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i am only asking you that when the folliwing standered method is called ( either we forcefuuly call it or automatically called if it called automatically then when it happen) for example onJoinRoomDone() is called automatically when a new user join the game.

public void onUpdatePropertyDone(LiveRoomInfoEvent event);
related to an answer for: how to upload image on to the server.
asked Apr 29, 2014 in AppWarp by maheshsahu125 (20 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

onJoinRoomDone, onUpdatePropertyDone, etc are functions defined in listeners. They will be called automatically whenever corrsponding api is called. For example, when you call joinRoom() method, your onJoinRoomDone() will be automatically invoked with the result corresponding to the method called. Same happens with other methods.

Please check out our documentation to learn more about all the listeners. 

answered Apr 29, 2014 by Suyash Mohan (900 points)
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