Buddy service SendMessageToFriend return error code 1401

+1 vote
Hi there,

This is my setting:

Im using storage service to save my player data (choose this because we can't ask for mails or passwords for our users), and the buddy service along with another Facebook API, everything is fine as Im able to add friends to friends groups on the buddy service and everything, but when I try to send a message to one of my friends I get the next exception:

Exception : com.shephertz.app42.paas.sdk.csharp.App42SecurityException: {"httpErrorCode":"401", "appErrorCode":"1401", "message":"UnAuthorized Access", "details":"Client is not authorized for this operation"}

What is wrong in this case, as Im not using UserService I cant set any kind of permissions, to send messages between buddy friends I need to use your UserService?


Im using Unity3D SDK.

Thanks in advance.
asked Apr 22, 2014 in App42 Cloud API-BaaS by chrystiansilva (33 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
For sending buddy messages you don't need to use user service. Make sure while sending message both users has friends of each other, this is the only one validation in sendMessageFriend.
answered Apr 22, 2014 by sshukla480 (407 points)
ok I'l check it out, thanks!
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