Appwarp 1.6.1: AppWarpUnity.dll
App42 2.6: App42_Unity3D_SDK_2.6.dll
Unity Pro 4.3.4f1
Facebook SDK 5.0.3
Calling LinkUserFacebookAccount(FB.UserId, FB.AccessToken, me) returns OnException with this:
Error: {"httpErrorCode":"400", "appErrorCode":"2207", "message":"BAD REQUEST", "details":"Session Id not valid"}
This is an AppWarp game. I initialize App42API after I successfully connect AppWarp, then I call LinkUserFacebookAccount (this in the Unity Editor, on Android and on iOS).
The token is valid, this I know for sure because all Facebook operations work just fine. The odd thing is that I can see data in the Metering Summary that actually count the calls to LinkUserFacebookAccessCredentials and the size in KB grows... but I see no user data anywhere (and the linking fails!).
Any pointers?