If I call getLastScoreByUser and the user does not have any score, will I get empty list or Exception

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I am actually getting an exception and I can't see a reference to the error codes of the ScoreBoard exceptions so I assume it is because the user didn't  submit any score. However, wouldnt make sense to receive an empty list as exception usually means there is something wrong?
asked Apr 11, 2014 in AppWarp by android4canada (20 points)

1 Answer

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In which SDK (with version) you are getting this exception.
answered Apr 11, 2014 by sshukla480 (407 points)
I am using the App42_ANDROID_SDK_2.3
Btw, if I add a score to the user on your backend then the I don't get the exception. I confirmed that the exception is due to empty user score
Please elaborate error details and exception message.
I found it. You have an Exception section on your documentation and it explains it all. I was seeing "3010 - NOT FOUND - Scores for the user with the name '@userName' for the game with the name '@name' does not exist." I was just surprised I am seeing this as an exception as opposed to receiving an empty list of scores
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