Joinroom when player leaves

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Hello i am using Appwarp and uses joinroom in range (1,1) to automatch 2 players. when one of the players leave. The room is left with 1 player in it. potentially, another player can join this room. How to prevent this? thanks
asked Feb 13, 2017 in Android by arnasalon (10 points)

1 Answer

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Hi Arna,

Greetings from ShepHertz!!!!

You can't prevent players who are leaving due to inactiveness or disconnection. But you can make prevention on leaveRoom API in your game.

Whenever such kind of situations arrives, remaining can also leave the Room and can join some other where is alraedy a player after waiting some time.

Let me know if it helps.


Vishnu Garg

AppWarp Team

answered Feb 14, 2017 by Vishnu Garg (674 points)
Thank you Vishnu.
I don't want to end a game when one of the players leave.
While the game is still alive, i want to prevent other players from joining this game.
How to do this?
You can prevent by this by not calling leaveRoomAPI, and also handle the same on backButton..
But if player leave forcefully you can't stop it. like internet gone or player closes the game.
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