About NoSQL, I have some question.
There is a field "Owner" in NoSQL,
if I login with userName, the content of this field is userName,
if I login with emailId, the content of this field is emailId,
if I open the function emailId login, and I login with userName, the content of this field is emailId.
1. Could field "Owner" to unify userName ?
※ All of Owner are the same => userName
Don't some are userName and some are emailId
Could NoSQL do this ?
2. Could we find custom field data with query in NoSQL ?
like MySQL query below :
FROM TableName
WHERE condition
3. If there are two table in NoSQL, could we query like MySQL below
SELECT ProductName
FROM TableA, TableB
WHERE TableA.Price > 50 AND TableB.Price <100
※ TableA and TableB are different table
Thank you !