HI GsGlawson,
As AppWarp works on Real Time principle, So you can not use too much turn time like 300000 seconds to play next User turn. As Turn time increases it not supports to be Real Time as either of player can be disconneted with the Game.
So you create two types of Game.
1. Real Time basis : In Which turn time is fix. Bot player should be connected to play th e game.
2. Using Push Notifications : So if you want to create chess game in which turn Time not fix and can increase too much extent. If you are creating game for Mobile you can use App42 Push Notification API
Register Player first time for Push.
In This Its not necessary both player should be connected at the same time.
You can challenge your friend by seding Push Notification
Opponent can accept the request or deny.
Whenever a player plays his turn a Push Notification related to his turn sent to opponent.
On opponent side when Push is recevied it open the app and update the UI with oppnent turn and play its Turn.
This will continue till game end.
All game business logic related to Push Notification data you can write at your end accordingly.
Let me know if more queries are concern.
Thanks & Regards
Vishnu Garg